One of the Best Hidden Tools on the GodSquad
What does it mean to start up a ministry from the ground up? Once you find one or two key students to help you start up the ministry, what do you do next? How important is prayer? How do you better understand your campus? How do you train the students involved with you? How do you create an effective plan and set goals for your campus? How do you care for new believers and have a ministry of multiplication? How do you build character and find new leaders?
All these questions and many more are answered in the Global Learning Center designed and created just for you. There are 19 lessons in 4 modules under the category of “Starting a Campus Movement”. These are not just your standard written lessons. They are interactive lessons filmed with live actors who will also give you very specific things to do to follow-up on what you’ve just been taught. First sign in and register. A very cool way to learn on-line. Go here to get the all the lessons and go to “Starting a Campus Movement”:
If you’re on a campus where there are no Campus Crusade staff nearby, these lessons are very important to help you. Log in, choose a couple of lessons in the first module and see what you think. Prepare to learn and be really encouraged. There is a big investment of time, money and resources to put this together just for you. Our prayer is that it will help you accelerate your ministry on campus.
Talk to you next week,
The GodSquad Team/Ben Rivera
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