Excellent On-Line Resources and Halloween Strategy

Excellent On-Line Resources and Halloween Strategy

Next week is Halloween and there are some ways to capitalize on this yearly event.  You can do a Halloween survey around campus, which will allow you to meet new students, share the gospel with them, and invite them to your weekly meeting/Bible study.  Here’s the survey:


Also, consider turning your weekly meeting into an evangelistic event just for next week so that you might share the gospel with new members.  Here is some material you might use to do a talk:


Excellent help for On-line Evangelism and Follow-up

Do you wish you could refer a student to a web site to help them answer some personal questions about God?  Or you would like to find a site where others can go for follow-up on their own?  Here are some sites that will help you:

http://www.everystudent.com/ helps one explore questions about life and God

For you as the Christian to be able to get instruction on using EveryStudent.com more effectively and to get resources, go to:


For follow-up on-line of a new believer from EveryStudent.com go to:


Hope this will help you as you continue to reach your campus with the gospel message.

Talk to you next week,
The GodSquad Team/Ben Rivera

Archives of past tips: http://benrivera.org/

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