CRU Weekly Ministry Tip #10, Fall 2011
In weekly tips #7 and #8 we gave you some important suggestions to consider for your weekly meeting and your Bible studies. This week we wanted to give you more tools, to keep sharpened, that are in your toolbox.
Stay Dependent on the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit’s work in your life and on your campus is important if you want to see big things happen on campus. One tool that you should use as a training “tool time” part of your weekly meeting or Bible study is to cover the Satisfied Booklet. You could even use this training as your main study for just that week. The easiest way to share this booklet is to pass one copy out to each student. Pair them up and have them read out loud to each other, two pages at a time. Then ask the entire group what they learned from the two pages they had just read, what was new, a good reminder or what hit them as they read?
Continue with the next two pages and repeat the process. Within 45 minutes everyone will have read the booklet out loud with an opportunity to interact on all the key points made in the booklet. Here is the big idea. You are actually training your students to share the booklet with others by letting them read it out loud to each other. You train students and they go out and share it with others. You are multiplying your training – Jesus did the same thing.
Keep Personal Evangelism Always On the Forefront of Your Ministry
In the same way as described above using the “Satisfied” booklet, you can train students to use the “Knowing God Personally” (KGP) booklet. The training is called the Big Six Evangelism Training. We have talked about this in a previous weekly tip, but if you have not yet given your students a chance to be trained in using this booklet, now is the time.
It is not that there is anything magical about the KGP booklet, but it is a great outline to understand the gospel message personally and to share it with others.
Quest Questionnaire, Soularium Cards and Prespective Cards
Three excellent tools to help you train students in preparation for sharing the KGP booklet are the Quest 1.0 Questionnaire and other surveys. I only point out the Quest 1.0 questionnaire as a starting point because it is so easy to use. But as you see in this link there are many other questionnaire/survey ideas to consider also.
The Soularium Cards are a great way to get into fun conversations that will help you understand where people are at personally and spiritually. Asking students specific questions about the 50 color post cards included in the packet, helps to stimulate conversations. Then you’ll be able to transition to sharing the KGP.
A relatively new tool for sharing the gospel is the Perspective Cards. The Perspective cards allow you to get into deeper spiritual conversations about “Who is God?”, “What is truth?”, “Why are we here?”…
Ask your staff coach where to get the materials mentioned in this tip or simply go to the Crupress Store to place your order. Look under the “Evangelism” tab.
Here is what you can say in introducing any of the pre-evangelism tools from questionnaires, Soularium or Prespective cards, “Hi my name is Ben and I’m part of a group on campus called Cru. Would you have a few minutes to do a questionnaire or show you these cards?” “It talks about the spiritual areas of your life.”
Talk to you next week,
Ben Rivera/GodSquad and CruPressGreen Team