Weekly Ministry Tips – Fall 2018
With God, First Things First

Psalm 63 is a beautiful Psalm written by David when he was in the desert of Judah over 3,000 years ago. In verses 63:1-8, the first thing you’ll notice is that David acknowledges, “O God, you are my God…” In order for the rest of this chapter to make sense, one needs to have the assurance that they are in a relationship with God. We understand today that the writers in the Old Testament looked to the day when the Messiah would come. It is through this Messiah, Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross, that one can truly be in communion with God.
Be sure that you know God first, then let’s help others around us understand how they can know Him too. “O God, you are my God…”
Are You Ready For The Fall Term?

First, here is a great list of things to be thinking about as you begin the ministry in your location this Fall. Check out this article called, “Launching and Continuing Your Ministry Throughout The Year”
Your greatest window of opportunity to find new interested students for your ministry is the first 2-3 weeks of classes. Use a simple questionnaire to find these students. Do a tabling on campus and follow-up on every interested contact within 24 hours. Invite them to your first weekly meeting/Bible study and your first social/party event of the fall. Do this big party event after the first week or two of classes. You want to begin building close relationships as fast as you can. Go for it!
Talk to you next week,
Ben with Cru